Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tattoo Removal Cost

Tattoo removal cost is an important concern for people who want to erase the remains of unwanted body art. Each removal method varies and comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to understand what is involved before making a decision.

Removal Effectiveness Considerations
Not all people will see identical results from the tattoo removal techniques they choose. A specific technique may work better for one person than it will on another. How well a method works depends on the location of the tattoo, how many ink colors were used, the size of the tattoo and various personal factors.

Home Removal Methods
There are a wide variety of painless topical treatments sold to reduce the appearance of unwanted tattoos. While some of these treatments may work for certain individuals, no person should expect perfectly clear skin after using them. The Tattoo Removal Institute recommends Tattoo-OFF and TatBGone. Prices for the most effective creams usually range between $55 and $75 for a one-month supply.

Professional Removal Methods
Professional cosmetic methods are more expensive and can be painful. However, they do provide effective results for the majority of patients. Results are often achieved faster than they are with most types of topical creams. The following are the main types of professional tattoo removal:

- Laser removal does not involve surgery and is known to be painful. However, patients receive a local anesthetic to lessen the pain. Multiple treatments are required for success, which may leave blisters, scabs and scars.

- Dermabrasion and salabrasion are both used when laser removal is ineffective. The dermabrasion treatment is similar to sanding. Salabrasion is also similar to sanding. However, salty water is applied to the skin first. Both methods can be painful and cause peeling.

- Surgical removal involves cutting out the layers of skin that contain ink. A skin graft, stretching or stitches may be used for healing.

Tattoo removal cost is the most important consideration for all of these methods. Cosmetic treatments are usually priced per square inch of tattooed skin. These prices are often between $20 and $50 per square inch. Depending on tattoo size and number of treatments needed, body art may cost as little as $150 or up to $10,000 to remove. The best way to determine an accurate estimate is to seek a free consultation from a professional.